How to clean air coolers?

Air coolers are a great substitute for air conditioners if you want to have a cooling system that is environment friendly, affordable, and economical. However, as time pass by, air coolers may accumulate dust or another build-up that may cause it to work inefficiently.

If the air filters or cooling pads get clogged, it will cause the normal flow of air to slow down. This is the main reason why the maintenance of your air cooler is very important.

For you to avail of many of the benefits of using an air cooler, you must learn how to maintain and service it. 

Steps on how to clean air coolers

Steps on cleaning an air cooler vary from one brand to another. It depends on the size, parts, and material used in the manufacture of the air cooler.

The following are some of the recommended basic and simple steps on how to clean your air coolers at home.

Cleanse the water tank.

The water tank must be cleaned regularly. Water must be changed because by not doing so, the tank will become a breeding ground for bacteria, thus, causing it to produce bad odor, which is not good for the health. Cleaning and sanitation should be done at least every three days, approximately, for hygienic purposes.

Proper cleaning of the water tank is done by doing the following steps.

Step 1. Take out the cooling pads and all the panels.

Before you start cleaning the tank, make sure that you unplug the air cooler and turn off the water supply. After that, you can now safely remove the cooling pads and panels.

Step 2. Empty the cooler with the old water.

You can drain the old water from the tank through a drain plug. Just open the plug and wait for the water to drain. For some, water tanks are detachable. If this is the case, you can just detach the tank and throw the water.

Step 3. Brush the inside of the cooler.

Debris build-up or know as the scale may cause the blockage of the filters or cooling pads. Carefully scrape the scale to prevent it from piling up inside the cooler. The rest of the inside of the cooler can be cleaned using a soft cloth or sponge.

Step 4. Sanitize the water tank.

You can rinse off the water tank using a mild detergent and lukewarm water. Then, use vinegar and water solution to sanitize the water tank. Fill it up and leave it for about an hour.

Step 5. Scour the tank.

Use a brush or soft cloth in scrubbing the tank. After, rinse it off with clean water.

Cleanse the Cooling Pads 

Most air coolers like personal or desert come with cooling pads that are essential in making the cooler function properly. Soon, these will definitely become dirty and will need a thorough cleaning. Cooling pads should be cleaned regularly, once a month at least.

Step 1. Soak the pads in lemon juice or vinegar.

Saturate the cooling pads in a mixture of lemon juice or vinegar for about 30-60 seconds, then rinse with warm water. This will disinfect the pads to prevent it from developing an unpleasant smell. You may also rinse the pads with the vinegar solution. However, take note that using vinegar solution might leave a smell in the cooling pads that may be hard to remove.

Step 2. Dry the cooling pads.

After washing the cooling pads, air dry them in a cool place before putting them back inside the cooler. Make sure that the pads are dried completely. 

Over time, cooling pads will start to wear out. You will then decide if when to replace the cooling pads. Some of the factors that you need to look out for are the following.

Reduced Air Flow

You may start to notice that the air cooler has stopped cooling the same as before, even after you have washed and cleaned the pads. One of the common reasons for this is that the cooling pads need to be changed already. You may also seek professional help if you want thorough troubleshooting.

Type of Materials used.

The two most common cooling pads are Aspen and Honeycomb. Aspen cooling pads are changed depending on the accumulated mineral deposits. It needs to be replaced at the beginning of every season, while Honeycomb can be changed every 3 to 5 years.

Yearly Maintenance.

The lifespan and longevity of the cooling pads depend on how often they are used. The quality of the water supply is also a factor. Just lookout for signs of wearing such as the loss of its thickness. This means you need to replace them. 

Cleanse the body of the air cooler.

Cleaning the inside of the air cooler is just necessary as cleaning its outside. You can use a soft damp cloth with plain tap water to wipe off the exterior. Strong detergent should be avoided to prevent damaging the unit. Also, always make sure that the power is switched off before cleaning the cooler.

Cleanse the filter.

Air coolers come with a couple of filters attached to them. After some time, these will also accumulate dirt, and thus it is highly suggested to clean them regularly, at least once or twice a month. Mild detergent with warm water can be used. After rinsing thoroughly, make sure to dry them before placing them back in the cooler.

Deodorize the cooler. 

Get rid of the unpleasant smell by mixing scented essential oils with vinegar. This is known to eliminate odor while cleansing the air. Just pour the mixture in a spray bottle so you can easily spray it after cleaning the cooler. 

Check the mechanical parts.

  • Inspect the motors.

To prevent the motor and fan from rusting, add enough drops of lubricating oil on the parts. This will keep these parts to function well. 

  • Check the fan blades.

Regularly examine and clean the fan blades to prevent it from working slowly because of the dirt getting stuck on it. A damp cloth can be used to wipe the blades carefully. Water should not be used directly as blades may contain panels along with the LED display. Ideally, fan blades should be cleaned at least once a month.


If you are planning on buying your own air cooler, it is not only important to know the features and specifications of the machine, but also it is essential to educate yourself with the different steps on how to take good care of it. With this, you’ll be able to maximize the benefits of having an air cooler on the long-term.


Preksha is passionate about writing articles that will inspire readers to make better choices. You will find her eating desserts for lunch, dinner and any time of the day. Also, she is the chief playlist engineer for any road trip.

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