Can Air Coolers save you money?

Due to climate change, we are now experiencing drastic changes in weather conditions.

At some point, the temperature rises intensely that it causes discomfort and heat-related issues to us, such as heat-stroke, rashes, or dehydration.

To prevent this from happening, a number of cooling systems are now made available in the market like electric fans, air coolers, and air conditioners. 

The challenge is to choose the air cooling system that works for you best. While selecting, you need to consider some factors.

One of which is where you can save more. It is expected that you will still spend money regardless of what air cooling option you choose but with the same cooling.

However, there will always be a way to avoid paying that much for cooling purposes. 

How air coolers save you money?

Air coolers are more economical when compared with air conditioners and more efficient compared to electric fans. There are many ways how this type of air cooling system helps you minimize cost.

It uses a natural cooling process

Unlike air conditioners that use mechanical compression of the refrigerants, air coolers use the process of evaporation to achieve cooling.

The main elements of this air cooling system are the water and air, while air conditioners are CFCs or HFCs (which are proven to be harmful to the environment).

Since its refrigerant does not cost that much, air coolers are cheaper compared to air conditioners. 

They are more affordable

Air coolers come in different sizes, brands, models, designs, and features.

Regardless of what you choose, their prices differ significantly compared to air conditioners without sacrificing the quality and amount of cooling.

Wherever you go, air coolers are sold at lower rates than air conditioners. 

They are easier to install

Installing air coolers is more comfortable that you can do it by yourself. There are even portable air coolers that will no longer need installation.

You can fill the tank with water, plug it in a power source, and it’s now ready to use.

Simple installation of air coolers will save you money because you will no longer need any help from your technicians or seek professional advice.

If ever you’ll need their help installing, especially for larger air coolers, the cost will be cheap since it can be done quickly.

Air coolers are easier to maintain and repair

Since air coolers are made from simple and few parts such as fan motor and water pump, they are easier to maintain and repair at a very low cost.

If there are parts that need to be fixed, you can easily find the problem with just simple inspection.

If there are parts that need to be replaced, you can easily buy the parts in the hardware because it is less complicated.

Because of its fewer moving parts, air coolers are easier to clean compared to air conditioners.

If you want a professional to do it for you, it will cost you lesser compared to what you will pay if you want to maintain an air conditioner because of the complexities of its parts. 

They are energy efficient

Energy efficiency is one of the most important factors in considering when you buy a cooling system. Air coolers are cost-saving because they consume lesser energy compared to air conditioners.

Because of simpler mechanical parts, air coolers do not need great amount of energy to function. In fact, they only use a fraction of energy that standard air conditioners consume.

By using air coolers, you can save more money in terms of energy consumption.

They sometimes come with useful perks

Nowadays, there are energy companies/businesses that offer rebates for those who choose air coolers as their cooling system instead of the air conditioners.

This is their way to encourage the people to use a more eco-friendly approach in dealing with the rising temperature.

Through this, harmful chemical emission that causes air pollution will be reduced if not totally eradicated. This is a great start in saving the planet.

They can be used for both indoor and outdoor cooling 

Although air coolers are most effective when used for indoors, they can also be of great help for outside use.

You can use them in cooling open spaces such as your garage or garden, which air conditioners cannot.

Therefore, you can now utilize the spaces in your house that you normally don’t do, giving you more usable areas in the house without spending too much. 

They come with helpful built-in features

Some air cooler manufacturers use cooling pads that can also act not only as water filters but also effective air filters, especially when cleaned regularly.

It is very beneficial in filtering different air contaminants such as pollens, dust, allergens, even urban ozone caused by air pollution.

Thus, you may no longer need to buy air filters because the cooling pads themselves can do the job, therefore, giving you an effective cost-saving strategy. 

They are best humidifier

If you are living in a place with dry and low humidity, using air coolers is a great advantage since it increases the humidity. Air coolers are considered healthy when compared air conditioners

Thus, you may no longer need to buy humidifiers which are a bit pricey.

In dry climates, this cooling system helps in giving you the needed moisture to keep hydrated. It also decreases the static electricity. 

Consistent air change in a given time

By using air coolers, there is consistent air change in the place for every one to three minutes which means that all throughout the night; it can work without using the water pump to replace the warm air with cooler air, keeping your room cooler in a natural way. 


There are a lot of reasons why air coolers are one of the most common and well-known air cooling systems in the market today.

It is cost-efficient, thus, it is helpful for those who want to keep their homes cool and fresh, without spending too much of their fortune.

If you are budget-conscious, purchasing your own air cooler will help you save a lot without sacrificing the air flow quality you want. 


Preksha is passionate about writing articles that will inspire readers to make better choices. You will find her eating desserts for lunch, dinner and any time of the day. Also, she is the chief playlist engineer for any road trip.

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