Things to know before using weight lifting equipment

Whether you are a fitness freak or obsessed about flaunting your six-pack abs, you need to incorporate weight training as an essential part of your workout routine.

Weight training, along with cardio exercises is integral to any fitness goals or weight loss program. 

However, it comes with its share of risks that you need to be aware of. 

If you would like to begin weightlifting and unsure of how to do it right, read on to update yourself about weightlifting essentials before using weightlifting equipment like dumbbells, ankle weights, etc.

Benefits of weight lifting

The weightlifting exercises are primarily meant for strengthening the muscles and burning calories. 

Additionally, it provides a range of other health benefits including improved muscle and joints balance and coordination. 

Weightlifting builds up toned musculature that increases bone density and reduces the occurrence of injuries. It also ensures sound sleep and mental health.

Overtime, weightlifting results in strong muscles that enhance endurance to exercise other workout sessions. It results in rapid weight loss that causes a decreased risk of obesity.

Weight lifting also lowers high blood pressure. It is usually paired up with cardio exercises for achieving robust fitness goals.

Types of weightlifting equipment and exercise

Some common weightlifting equipment comprises the following machines.

  • Ankle Weights
  • Bars
  • Cable
  • Barbells
  • Benches
  • Arm Machines
  • Back Machines
  • Core & Abdominal Trainers
  • Dumbbells
  • Hand Strengtheners

Some common weightlifting exercises comprise the following activities.

  • Push-Ups
  • Chest Press, Bench presses
  • Squats
  • Triceps, Biceps 
  • Dead Lift
  • Pull-Ups
  • Rows
  • Curls
  • Dips

Depending on your fitness goal, you need to select the specific weightlifting equipment and follow the well-organized schedule of weightlifting exercises.

Set your fitness goals

Designing a well thought out fitness plan will take you there quickly. Begin with setting realistic short term fitness goals that meet your needs. 

Write down your fitness goals in your diary including increasing strength, endurance, losing weight, toning muscles, etc.

Depending on your objectives, you need to perform a designated set of exercises with defined repetitive sets and length of the workout.

It also determines the types of equipment you would require for your weightlifting exercises.

Hire a coach

If you are a newbie to the world of weightlifting, it is recommended to hire the services of a good coach.

A professional or certified coach can create a significant difference in achieving effective results with minimal investment of time and effort. 

A coach teaches you the correct techniques of performing exercises and also rectifies our errors.  

Moreover, doing weightlifting exercises under an expert’s supervision would drastically reduce the chances of injuries such as strain, sprain, or even fractures.

Do proper warm-up before you start 

Always remember to wear a safety weightlifting belt before starting your weightlifting session.

Weightlifting is an intense exercise schedule. It requires you to do proper warm-up for building the muscles required for lifting weights effectively.

Focus on major muscle groups in your body including biceps, triceps, chest muscles, calves, and hamstrings. 

You may do upper body pullers, pushers, lower body pullers, and pushers as part of your warm-up routine.

Your pre-workout routine prepares your muscles for heavy-duty weightlifting and also enhances your range of motion.

With an increased range of motion, you can use your muscles for further extending bicep curls and performing deeper squats.

Moreover, the right warm-up also reduces risks of injury and allows you to go full-throttle during weightlifting.

Balance your weightlifting workout

You should balance your weightlifting workout by pairing one set of upper body workout with a set of lower body workout. For example, clubbing squats with push-ups.

This way you can ensure a complete body workout for maximum muscle stretching and rapid burning of calories. 

It also offers recovery time for lower body muscles while doing upper body weight lifting and vice-versa.

Follow the same set of moves in the beginning

As you are beginning, you need to stick to the same set of moves for a few days or weeks. This would help you to build the minimum basic level of muscular strength and fitness.

As you get stronger, you can switch on to a more rigorous weightlifting routine. The idea is to follow the same set of exercises while gradually increasing the weights.

It is recommended to perform 15 repetitions of the exercise in sets of three in the beginning. 

Decide how much weight to lift in the beginning

Consult with your coach and decide on how much weight to lift in the beginning.

 If you are easily doing the 15 repetitions of a set in the beginning without panting, you can increase the weight to make it more challenging. 

The idea of deciding on weight stems from the fact that you should not waste time in easy exercises if you are ready to take up another level.

Follow cool-down stretching post-workout 

As you have performed the warm-up routine before beginning weight lifting, you should also adopt cool-down stretching post-workout.

The passive stretching exercises after a workout enhances your flexibility as your muscles are warm by that time. It also relaxes your nerves and helps you to recover from an intense weightlifting session.

Rehydrate your body 

Our body releases a lot of sweat during an intense workout session. We lose lots of fluids and salts along with the sweat. 

Hence, it is necessary to rehydrate our body to recuperate after the workout session.

The best way to rehydrate our body is to drink lots of water and fluids. You can also take glucose or fruit juices for quick bursts of energy. 

Adapt healthy dietary and sleep changes

You must incorporate certain changes in your dietary and sleeping habits. It is mandatory to get proper sleep and rest to recover your body in time before the next workout session.

Follow a balanced diet comprising foods rich in carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. 

The sound sleep and proper diet ensure the build-up of strong muscles in the worked-out body area. 


Weight training promises toned musculature, oomph triggering biceps, chiseled body frame, or curvaceous figure.

For that, you need to follow the disciplined workout sessions using the right techniques under the proper guidance of a certified coach to achieve your fitness goals.

Also, follow the safety rules and precautions for avoiding any risks of injuries. 

Sooner you would have a mind-blowing body that would make other envious.  

Aniket More

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