Water Therapy And Its Benefits


Seventy-five percent of our body’s weight is constituted of water. It is a known fact that we need water for survival and the smooth operations of the body. 

Water has therapeutic effects on our bodies. When the overall percentage of water reduces in our body, we succumb to various ailments. Water therapy can pave the way for healthy living.  

What Is Water Therapy?

Water therapy refers to consuming a certain quantity of water at a specific time of the day regularly. One of the most commonly prescribed times of the day to drink water for therapeutic reasons is early morning, as soon as one wakes up on an empty stomach. 

As soon as you wake up before you brush your teeth, you should consume 5 to 6 glasses of water from the water purifier or approximately one and a half liters of water. The water should be at room temperature, and it should not be refrigerated or cold.

You can even drink water from the copper vessel as the first thing in the morning because it is highly beneficial. 

There should be at least 45 minutes interval before you consume anything else after drinking the water for therapeutic reasons. Throughout the day, you should also take water at regular intervals totaling another 7 to 8 glasses of water for the rest of the day. This needs to become a daily morning routine for life. 

The Benefits of Water Therapy

  • Saves your body from dehydration and many other diseases that have their onset with dehydration. 
  • Water therapy streamlines the bowel movements, and it improves the metabolic rate. This relieves constipation and its associated symptoms. 
  • Toxins in the body are washed out over a period. 
  • Skin health is improved, blemishes disappear with time, and the glow in the skin increases, giving you a younger look.
  • It has also been noted that water therapy improves weight loss. If you are on any diet program, you could use water therapy as a complementing therapy to speed up your weight loss results.
  • Keeps your joints well lubricated, improving the ability of the joints to absorb shocks better.
  • Improve dental hygiene and reduces foul smell in the mouth. 
  • Improves the body’s efficiency to discard waste through sweat and urine. 
  • Improves overall bodily functions. All major bodily functions such as absorption,  saliva production, digestion, circulation of bodily fluids, movement of nutrients within the body, and maintenance of stable body temperature require an adequate supply of water.
  • Keeps the kidney functioning well, reducing the chances of kidney stone formation, which is triggered by insufficient water content in the body.
  • Staying well-hydrated will improve your physical performance and athletic performance.
  • It saves you from headaches, which has dehydration as the source.
  • Studies indicate that taking an adequate amount of water reduces the chances of the bladder and colorectal cancer.
  • An adequate supply of water reduces inflammation of joints.
  • Lower water content in the body can reduce the blood pressure, and as a result, your heart has to work harder by increasing the heart rate.


To conclude, water plays a significant role in ensuring the physical well being. Whether you call it water therapy and follow a routine to consume water or respond to your thirst drive, keeping yourself well hydrated by drinking clean water regularly can do a lot of good to your body. 

Aniket More

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