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Why stepper machines are the best workout for arthritis?

The excruciating pain experienced due to arthritis in the joints while moving and bending effectively restricts your movements. It not only curbs your freedom of movement but also leads to weight gain and other health complications associated with a lack of bodily movement. Battling your way through painful osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis requires you to […]

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kitchen chimney size/dimension calculator

Whenever a kitchen chimney is mentioned, its suction power steals the discussion. However, we rarely talk about the size and dimensions, they are among the most important factors. Considering these values during your installation will determine the effectiveness of the chimney.  How much surface area should the kitchen chimney cover? This is basically the question […]

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Why yoga is the best workout?

Yoga is a comprehensive workout that not only nourishes your body but also purifies your mind and soul.  The benefits of yoga extend way beyond physical fitness. It is a way of living life to its full potential.  When you do yoga, you just don’t do it, you live it and experience it with every […]

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Tips to teach your kids to cycle

Soaking in the sunshine and breathing fresh air while cycling in the countryside has its own mesmerizing charm.  Cycling is not only a sport or a physical activity; it offers an innate sense of freedom and self-confidence.  Teaching your kids how to cycle boosts their self-esteem, instills a sense of accomplishment and develops their personality. […]

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