How Rice Water Benefits your Skin and Hair?

It’s no wonder that devouring the delicious veg or chicken biryani delights your taste buds; however, do you know the water left over after cooking rice also works great for your hair and skin?

Rice water is packed with several useful properties that help in maintaining stronger hair and healthy skin.

It contains amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. This makes it an excellent addition to the hair and skincare routine. It also contains antioxidant ferulic acid and allantoin, which provides great healing and soothing effect on the skin.

Rice water is increasingly being used for skin treatment. It repairs, tones, soothes and protects the skin. It improves the skin condition and leaves it looking glowing and refreshing.

The best part is that you can easily prepare rice water at your home without any additional expenses.

Benefits of Rice water for skin

Lighten the skin

Using rice water on your skin lightens it by reducing the dark patches. There are many beauty products like toners or creams that contain rice water.

Some of the chemicals present in rice water are known to lighten the skin pigment and help achieve radiating skin.

Treating the symptoms of eczema and acne

Rice water contains starchy content that can be used for relieving the symptoms of Eczema. Soak a clean piece of soft fabric in the rice water and gently pat this wet cloth over the affected area for a few minutes. Allow the skin to dry. This will ease the discomfort.

Rice water exerts an excellent soothing effect on the skin. It is ideally suitable for treating the symptoms of acne. It not only reduces skin inflammation and redness but also works as an astringent for preventing future breakouts.

Soothe Irritated Skin

Individuals with atopic dermatitis are recommended to bathe in rice water twice a day for experiencing significant improvement in skin healing. Thus, rice water helps in treating itchy or irritated skin.

Treats dry skin due to SLS

Rice water also helps in treating skin irritation caused by sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). This compound is usually found in various beauty products, shampoos and conditioners leave the skin dried and damaged.

Thus, bathing in rice water twice a day prevents dry and irritated skin due to SLS.

Protects against sun damage

The rice water contains various chemicals that protect the skin against the harmful sun’s rays. It also reduces skin inflammation and redness caused by sunburn.

If you use rice water stored in the fridge and apply it on sunburn areas on the skin, it further enhances the soothing effect. It also works as an effective sunscreen when it is combined with other plant extracts.

Sunscreens containing rice bran extracts and other plant extracts provide enhanced UVA/UVB protection for your skin against sun rays.

Facial cleanser and toner

Rice water also works as an excellent facial cleanser and toner.

Soak a cotton ball in a bowl filled with rice water and apply it smoothly over your face and neck. This works as a toner.

You can also massage your face and skin using this cotton ball. It reduces the skin pores and tightens the skin, thereby leaving it smooth and bright.

Clean your face using rice water for experiencing softer and glowing skin. It is a great addition to your skincare routine. Use a cotton pad for applying rice water on your face and allow your skin to dry. It cleans the skin and nourishes the skin with vitamins and minerals.

Treats ageing

Rice water is fermented to produce rice wine. The rice wine works wonders in keeping your skin supple and preventing wrinkles.

Its sun-screen properties prevent skin damage due to harsh sun rays and improve skin health by increasing the skin’s collagen.

The antioxidant properties of rice wine provide great anti-ageing benefits. The rice water combined with coconut oil or jojoba oil provides an effective treatment for age spots and skin discolouration.

Rice Water Benefits for Hair

You can apply rice water directly to your hair. Add some fragrance or any other natural ingredients to make your customized hair care product. Before using the rice water on your hair, ensure to dilute it with normal water.

Damaged hair

Rice water contains a chemical known as inositol that helps repair damaged or bleached hair from inside out with split ends.

Hair rinse

Add a few drops of essential oil to your homemade rice water for imparting a pleasing aroma. Use this rice water for rinsing your hair. Apply it to your hair from the roots to the ends.

Keep it for 10 minutes, followed by rinsing it thoroughly. It leaves your hair looking shiny and smooth.


You can prepare your homemade shampoo by using rice water. Add liquid castile soap and few drops of essential oil or chamomile tea to fermented rice water.

Apply this shampoo to your hair. Keep it for 10 minutes, followed by rinsing it thoroughly. This will condition and moisturize your hair effectively.


Rice water is a perfect home remedy for treating the various issues related to skin and hair care.

It provides an inexpensive way of maintaining healthy hair and skin. It works great in treating skin problems, preventing sun damage, and slowing natural skin ageing.

Whenever you cook rice, ensure to collect the rice water and apply it on your skin and hair for experiencing its various health benefits.


Preksha is passionate about writing articles that will inspire readers to make better choices. You will find her eating desserts for lunch, dinner and any time of the day. Also, she is the chief playlist engineer for any road trip.

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