How to know and repair Washing Machine Water Inlet Valve

The water inlet valve in your washing machine is responsible for the flow of water into it. Both hot and cold water flow through it as it connects the two water hoses to the washer. 

How it works

The inlet valve can be found behind your washer. It has two ports; one for the hot water hose while the other is attached to the cold water hose.

With the aid of a solenoid, electrical signals are sent to the ports to let in or stop the flow of water into the unit. The operation of the solenoid is controlled by the preset wash temperature and the water-level switch.

There are two solenoids in the system, one for each valve.

How to know when your inlet valve is faulty

 A problem in your inlet valve will cause a partial or total blockage of water flow into the system.

While most parts of the inlet valve are irreparable, you can restore normal water flow by cleaning the filters. If this doesn’t work, you can test valves to see if they have failed.

There are two main problems you can face with your inlet valve are:

Filter screen problem:

This is the most common inlet valve problem. The filter screen is a circular material made of metal mesh and is found in the valve

It prevents the flow of particles like sand, minerals, and other forms of debris into your washer. After some time, these particles build up around the filter, thereby restricting the flow of water into the unit.

A filter screen problem may either slow down the entry of water into the unit or block it completely. 

Solenoid problem:

This is an electrical problem. As stated earlier, the solenoid controls the flow of water into the unit with the aid of electrical signals.

When there is a problem with the solenoid, no signal is sent to the ports, and so they stay closed. A problem in any solenoid will require a replacement of the entire valve. 

The equipment needed to fix and inlet valve problem

 Before you proceed with fixing your inlet valve, you need to ensure you’ve the right equipment to make the repair safe and as smooth as possible.

The equipment or tools you should have with you include:

  • Protective gloves
  • Pliers
  • Flashlight
  • Screwdrivers
  • Bucket/towel
  • Vinegar
  • Multimeter.

How to repair your water inlet valve

 We’ve created a step by step guide to instructing you through the process of fixing a problem with your inlet valve. At the end of this section, you should have your washing machine up and running again.

Step 1: Disconnect the washing machine

 Safety should always come first. The very first step you should take is to switch your washing machine off and unplug it from the power source.

When this is done, it is advisable to move your washer away from the wall to create a comfortable space to access the machine from behind.

To avoid damaging the various hoses connected to the washer, you shouldn’t move it too far. 

 Behind the washer, you’ll find the knobs for the supply valves, turn it clockwise to shut the water supply.

You’ll find two water supply valves, one for hot water, the other for cold water.

With the aid of pliers, unscrew the water supply hoses from the back of the machine.

There might be some water left in the hoses, so you’ll need to have a bucket or towel ready.

Step 2: Clean the filter screens

 Apart from regular cleaning of washing machines the filter needs cleaning too. Remove the filter screens, preferably with a pair of needle-nose pliers. Each of the hose fitting ports has a filter screen; you might one to use a flashlight to make them more visible. 

 Check the filter screen for the accumulation of dirt.

If the filter is dirty, clean it. You should be very careful with the filter screen as they are irreplaceable. For proper cleaning, clean the screens in a mixture of water and vinegar.

After cleaning, couple the machine and test it on empty. Ensure the hoses are properly fastened and there is no leakage. 

Step 3: Run tests on the inlet valve solenoids

 If when you test your washer, you discover that the filters aren’t the problem, the next stop is the solenoids.

To gain access to the electrical parts of the inlet valve, you’ll have to follow the brand’s manual of your washer.

Once you’ve uncoupled the necessary parts, you’ll find two wires connected to each solenoid.

Carefully disconnect each wire by pulling the metal connector instead of the wires and label each of them.

This is to avoid the wrong connection later on.

 Set the ohms resistance scale of your multimeter to X 1. To test for continuity in a solenoid, connect each of the meter’s probes to a terminal on each solenoid.

There is no universal reading to be expected as readings vary by model but you should find some resistance in your reading.

If the reading on the meter shows zero resistance, your solenoid has gone bad and you must change the valve. 

Step 4: Replace the water inlet valve

 Unscrew all fasteners holding the valve in its place.

Before disconnecting the wires attached to the solenoid, ensure that you take note of the colors and position of each wire. Label them accordingly. 

 With the use of a screwdriver or a pair of pliers, you should proceed to remove the hose clamp holding the inlet valve and the internal water tubes together. 

 To order for the correct replacement valve, you should document the washer’s brand and model number.

The inlet valve’s brand and model number should be considered too. 

 Installing the new inlet valve should be quite easy, you will only have to reverse the earlier process.


Fixing a water inlet valve problem is easy and straightforward. With the right tools and the information you’ve gotten from us, you should be able to do it yourself.

Ensure you get the parts that are specific to your washing machine’s model.


Preksha is passionate about writing articles that will inspire readers to make better choices. You will find her eating desserts for lunch, dinner and any time of the day. Also, she is the chief playlist engineer for any road trip.

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