Chefware Aluminum Hand Press Citrus Juicer Review

Chefware is a comparatively newer brand in the kitchen appliance category but is knows to build unique and high-quality products that give an exceptionally long life.

The brand has earned a lot of appreciation for its products and continues to be the best seller in the category of hand press juicers. Chefware Aluminum Hand Press Citrus Juicer is a handy and compact juicer that makes delicious juices on the go without much hassle and delivers supreme quality and price



The product comes with a warranty of 5 years on replacement and 15 years on spare parts


The juicer is made of hard aluminum that gives it a long life

Juice glass

The juicer comes with a juice glass that is meant for storing the extracted juice and can be drunk anytime later

All juices

The juicer is capable of extracting juice from fruits like oranges, lime, and pomegranate


The product comes installed with a strainer that ensures that all the juice is extracted from the pulp and there is no wastage

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What Do We like


The product comes with an unmatched warranty of 20 years, which makes it one of the ideal hand juicers in the market today.

Easy Cleaning

The product does not come with many attachments and can be easily moved and cleaned

Maximum juice

The strainer provided ensures that each drop of the juice is taken out from the pulp to minimize wastage


The product is highly sleek and compact and occupies very less space as compared to other juicers that are bulky and well as massive and need huge space for storage

What We Don’t Like

There are no negative points about the product


Chefware Aluminium Hand Press Citrus Juicer is an ideal pick for people who are looking to buy an efficient hand juicer. The product beats every other product due to the warranty it gives.

This juicer serves you with healthy juices quickly without putting much stress on your hand and extracts juice with zero friction.

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Preksha is passionate about writing articles that will inspire readers to make better choices. You will find her eating desserts for lunch, dinner and any time of the day. Also, she is the chief playlist engineer for any road trip.

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