Fitness exercises to do at home for weight loss

Juggling between the pressures of work and home, it’s hard to find enough time to hit the gym for losing weight.

Also, the flood of weight loss programs may leave you utterly confused regarding which one to pursue, what dietary habits to follow, what exercises to do, etc.

No matter how hard it may seem, you can achieve that fitness goal of losing your weight by pursuing a disciplined fitness workout at home. 

Let’s discuss some effective fitness exercises to do at home for weight loss.

Yoga postures

Yoga is the most comprehensive workout that seamlessly harmonizes your body, mind, and soul. 

Yoga allows you to practice mindfulness and awareness of your breath. 

The breathing techniques and stretching exercises revitalize the subtle centers of energy within your body. 

The meditative postures of yoga take you in a transcendental state where you can experience your existential reality and realize your true potential.

As yoga works on the mental aspect of one’s personality and brings clarity of thoughts, it easy to achieve your fitness goals in sync with yoga postures.

There are hundreds of yoga postures and each one of them offers immense health benefits. You can easily practice these yoga postures at your home on your yoga mat.

The yoga asanas recommended specifically for weight loss include Surya Namaskar, Chaturangadandasana, Virabhadrasana, Trikonasana, Sarvangasana, Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana,  Padmasana, Bhunjangasana, Balasana, etc.


The squats are the simplest of the workout exercises, yet they are very effective for weight loss.

You don’t need any equipment for doing squats. You can do it easily by lowering your hips from standing position and then stands back up again. Repeat it 5 or 10 times in a set and complete at least 2 to 3 sets in the beginning.

Squats help you to achieve weight loss by reducing the fat and flab on your hips and stomach. It also tones your leg muscles.


Push-ups are the most common exercise for people looking for weight loss and building upper body musculature.

It rapidly burns your calories as it is the fast and effective workout for building strength.

You should begin with 25-30 push-ups a day and gradually increases to 100 push-ups a day for building immense stamina and strength.

Regular push-ups produce tight and contracted set of abs that burns belly fat and help you achieve six-pack abs.


Lunges are a great workout for losing weight as it effectively targets the hips and thigh area.

Forward lunges strengthen the muscles in the legs and buttocks region. It removes the excess fats and builds the large muscles group in the lower body.

It boosts the metabolism, provides sleek shape and strength to lower body, and effectively reduce weight rapidly.


Planks are immensely beneficial exercise for burning calories and fats specifically around the abdomen area. It results in a tighter tummy.

Planks involve you to hold yourself in a push-up position while keeping your forearms on the floor.

Planks work on multiple muscles of the body at once and provide an intense workout within a few minutes.

It helps to develop correct body posture and improved flexibility. It reduces injury risks associated with the back and spine.

Practice 3 or 4 sets of plank exercises of 30 seconds each at the beginning for weight loss routine.


Crunches are very effective exercises for targeting belly fat. 

They are major abdominal workouts for burning belly fats and strengthening the muscles that lie underneath excess fat.

Crunches leave you with a tighter tummy and toned up abs. 

Do a set of at least 20-30 crunches, to begin with. Take the help of a friend or family member to hold your legs still.

Crunches are an essential part of any comprehensive weight loss routine.

Superman Back Extension

The superman back extension works directly on your abs and belly fat. 

It involves lying on your stomach and gently lifting the upper and the lower body as much as comfortable. Hold on a few seconds. Repeat the process.

 It exerts pressure on your abdominal area and toned your belly muscles. It provides flexibility and stretches the upper and lower back muscles. 

It is also recommended for relieving the pain associated with weak back muscles. 

Apart from working on back muscles, it also strengthens the glutes and hamstring muscles.

Circuit Training 

The circuit training is a high-intensity weight loss workout that targets burning calories and subsequent weight loss from all over the body.

The circuit training provides immense muscular strength and increased muscle size. It employs the workout of your entire body.

Comparing with an equivalent amount of cardio workout, the circuit training provides better fat burning and strength building results.

Bear Crawls 

The bear crawls are meant for strengthening the upper body muscles and legs muscles. 

It targets increasing the muscular strength and burning fats of your arms, chest, shoulders, and legs.

It provides an effective workout for the core muscles and strengthens them. 

The movement of hand and legs during the bear crawls offers hip mobility and activate muscles of knees. 

It is an ideal exercise for weight loss among boys and girls alike. It is usually clubbed with burpees for maximum effect.


You can either do skipping or simple jumping as a high impact fat burning workout. 

It immediately works on the muscles of the entire body, burns calories, and enhances the blood circulation in the body.

Jumping exercises involves box squat jump and step-up jump that boosts your body metabolism and strengthens the muscles of calves. 

The 5-10 minutes of jumping every day would drastically burn your calories and assists you in losing weight rapidly.


The fitness workout routine at home comprises a mix of cardiovascular and muscle strengthening exercises. 

The cardiovascular exercises enhance blood circulation and muscle building lead to calorie burning and lean muscle mass.

Moreover, with various yoga postures, you can ensure holistic health care of your body including physical, mental, spiritual, and social health care.

Aniket More

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