Best Pink Salt Brands

Salt is an essential ingredient and one of the most indispensable ones for cooks. It is used for seasoning, curing and tamping down the bitterness of vegetables. But there is not just one source for salt; it can be sea salt or rock salt. The two are similar in terms of sodium content, but they vary slightly in terms of consistency and mineral content. Among the rock salts, the Himalayan pink salt is considered healthier as it has a lot of minerals, especially iron. It is because of iron that it gets its pink colour. Here we have provided you with a list of some of the best pink salt brands available in the market.

1. Puro Pink Salt

This Himalayan pink salt has an alkaline pH and contains 84 naturally occurring minerals. Among these minerals are iodine, calcium, potassium, and iron.

The salt is 100% natural and processed using a proprietary human clean technology that comprises five steps.

These include visual and taste tests, quality testing in labs, de-dusting and sieving, rare earth magnets and metal detection, and aspiration.

This salt is ideal for everyday use and can be used to cook, bake, marinate, and ferment. You can also use it to sprinkle and season your dishes lightly.

There are no added chemicals in the salt, and it is good for your heart and digestive system.

2. Tata Pink Rock Salt 

The salt comes in an airtight resealable stand-up zip lock pouch. It is pure Himalayan rock salt with trace minerals that are good for you.

You can use this salt for cooking, baking and curing, as well as for other cosmetic purposes as well.

3. Natureland Pink Rock Salt

This pure Himalayan pink salt is unprocessed and unrefined and free of anti-caking agents and all types of chemical additives.

It is organic rock salt with 40 natural minerals including potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium.

The salt contains no fat and cholesterol and is comparatively low on sodium and good for daily use. It is a halal product with a shelf life of 36 months from the date of packaging.

4. Urban Platter Pink Rock Salt 

This Himalayan pink rock salt powder comes in a plastic jar that is convenient to store and use. You should close the lid tightly after every use to prevent the salt from getting moist. This way, it will remain fresh during its two-year shelf life.

This salt contains 84 naturally occurring minerals, including potassium. It helps maintain the pH of cells, regulates blood sugar, induces a proper sleep cycle and detoxifies the body.

5. NutroActive Pink Salt 

This 100% natural Himalayan pink rock salt is of fine grain variety. It contains no gluten or any chemicals. There are 84 natural minerals present in the salt. Therefore it is very beneficial for your health.

It helps maintain the hormone balance, keeping your metabolism and digestion in good condition, aids in the proper functioning of the thyroid and adrenal glands, controlling your blood pressure, and managing your weight.

This salt can be easily substituted for your table salt in any recipe. As it is very fine, you can also use it to sprinkle on your food.

6. Palfrey Pink Rock Salt

This Himalayan rock salt is organically sourced from the Himalayan region and is completely pure. It comes in a jar and can be used for cooking as well as cosmetic purposes like scrubbing.

It contains 84 minerals and hence is healthier compared with common salt. This salt is naturally free of carbohydrates and has zero calories.

7. Keya Pink Salt

The Himalayan pink salt is from the exact origin, and each rock is handpicked carefully. This is a completely natural salt with no added colours, preservative, or harsh processing.

The salt is of export quality and has a shelf life of 2 years from the date of manufacture.

Buying Guide

Salt Colour

When it comes to buying Himalayan pink salt, many buyers will be under the impression that the salt’s pinker (or redder) the better it is. The truth is, the redder the salt (or pinkish), the more bitter the salt tastes.


When buying always opt for the whitish and rose pink variety. Also note, that too red salt might even mean that artificial colours have been added to the product.


Grain Size

The rock salt is generally coarse. Usually, the large grains are not ideal for baking or cooking. So if you plan to buy the Himalayan pink rock salt for cooking or baking purposes, then the grain size matters.

Usually, the extra-fine grains are 0-0.5 mm in diameter and hence more free-flowing and the rest. These are excellent for sprinkling on food.

The slightly larger size, 0.5-1 mm is also a good option for using in cooking.

The ones which are medium and range between 1-5 mm can be used in cooking and for cosmetic purposes as well. But if you plan to replace table salt with rock salt in your recipe always opt for the fine variety.

The coarse ones are best used as bath salts, marinating, fermenting, and curing.



Himalayan rock salt is naturally rich in minerals. All of them contain trace amounts of iodine as well.

Iodine helps the functioning of thyroid glands and supports the thyroid glands. Himalayan pink salt has less iodine than table salt and hence not ideal for people with iodine deficiency.


Preksha is passionate about writing articles that will inspire readers to make better choices. You will find her eating desserts for lunch, dinner and any time of the day. Also, she is the chief playlist engineer for any road trip.

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