Best Dehydrated Mangoes

Who doesn’t love the taste of mango? Be it the kids or the adults, mangoes rule every heart. India is the largest producer of mangoes globally, and with close to 1500 varieties of this delectable fruit, the number of things one can do with mangoes is unimaginable. This seasonal fruit might not be available throughout the year, but one can still enjoy it in the form of dehydrated mangoes. This article has featured some of the best-dehydrated mango products available online that will take care of your cravings.

1. Flyberry Gourmet Dehydrated Mango

The Flyberry Gourmet Dehydrated Mango is made from carefully sourced best quality mangoes. Rich in fiber, nutrients and essential vitamins, these dehydrated mango slices have a unique taste with just the right amount of mango sweetness.

It has zero trans fats and has zero cholesterol, making it an ideal option for all health-conscious people. The texture of the mango slices is also perfect that will have you wanting more with every bite.

You can use these dehydrated mango slices in many sweet dishes or have it by itself as a healthy snack. Enjoy the freshness, unique gourmet taste and quality of these mango slices packed with nutrients with the dishes of your choice or by itself.

2. Happilo Premium International Dried Mango

Dried mango slices from Happilo are a tropical delight that lets you enjoy the sweet and luscious taste of mangoes anywhere. They are a healthy addition to your diet as they are rich in vitamin A, B-complex vitamins, dietary fibre, and antioxidants.

These dried mangoes are naturally free from cholesterol and can aid in weight regulation. It does not contain any preservatives or additives. The wonderful natural taste and sweetness will leave you wanting more.

3. Fruitmunch Dried Mango

Made from handpicked, fresh mangoes, these are carefully sliced and dried mangoes. They are dried using an advanced drying technology that removes up to 96% of the fruit’s water content.

It is a 100% natural product that does not contain preservatives, flavors and adds sugar. The low-temperature drying process ensures that these mango slices retain their natural ripe flavor, fiber, aroma and nutrients.

Carefully packed to make them moisture-proof, the fruit much-dried mangoes are a great option to enjoy mangoes even when they are not in season.

This is one yummy product with all the goodness of the mangoes, along with its natural ripe taste that is suitable for people of all age groups.

4. Organic India Dehydrated Mango Slices

The Organic India Dehydrated Mango Slices is a 100 % pure and natural organic product. It is made from a special type of mango sliced and dehydrated as per a standard process.

This means that the dehydrated mango slices retain the flavor and all the healthy nutrients in them. It has a very fresh taste that will remind you of the original fresh fruit. It comes packed in a vacuum-sealed stand pack, which you can conveniently store in the kitchen or carry while traveling.

If you prefer organic products over other processed foods, then these organic dehydrated mango slices will surely entice your taste buds while keeping your health in check.

5. Atrum Shutrum Dried Chatpata Mango

As the name suggests, the Atrum Shutrum Dried Chatpata Mango is a perfect snack with a sweet and spicy taste that one can enjoy anytime. Made from 100% real mango fruit, it does not contain added preservatives and artificial flavours.

It has a sweet and spicy taste that is ideal for munching. You can top it off on salads, fruit chaats, sweet and savory dishes. The product is rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber too. It has a very tangy flavor and sprinkled with mouth-watering Indian spices. The product comes packed in a handy, easy to carry or store glass jar.

6. Devanx Confections Dried Mango

These dehydrated mango slices are made from the best quality of tropical mangoes. These mango slices are an excellent source of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. It is a 100% natural product made without adding extra sugar, salt or preservatives and additives.

It is a very good source of vitamins A and C and other minerals like magnesium, potassium, copper etc. This is a very sweet and healthy snacking option that can be enjoyed by all age groups.


How can I use dried mango?

Dehydrated (dried) mangoes are an extremely delicious and versatile ingredient that you can use in many dishes. You can use them in chutneys, salads, compotes, breakfast cereals etc. you can also make mango salsa by rehydrating the dried mangoes. You can even use them in curries to add a tanginess to it.

How to moisten dried mango?

Dehydrating dried mango is very easy. Simply soak some dried mango slices in warm water for 10-15 minutes. Strain the water to get plump, soft and juicy mango slices. If you want to use dried mango slices in fruit cakes, you can substitute the warm water with fruit juices and alcohols like rum, vodka etc.

Should you wash dried mango before using it?

Ideally, when you want to use dried mango in cakes or baked goods, you should first rehydrate the dried fruit. Doing this will prevent the recipe from turning out dry. If you wish to eat it as it, it is not necessary to wash the dried mango.

Mangoes are a seasonal fruit that can be eaten in many ways. The age-old method of drying the fruits preserves the fruit and lets you enjoy the deliciousness of mangoes. We hope that this article has helped you to choose the best-dehydrated mango product for yourself. Enjoy the magical mango mania to the fullest.


Preksha is passionate about writing articles that will inspire readers to make better choices. You will find her eating desserts for lunch, dinner and any time of the day. Also, she is the chief playlist engineer for any road trip.

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