Best Books For Acupuncture

Acupuncture treatment relieves the pain of various acupuncture points in the body. It can help treat stress, pain, fatigue, disorders and many other ailments. Acupuncture books help in a better understanding of the concepts and techniques involved in acupuncture therapy. There are many acupuncture books available in the market. Here is a list of the best collection of acupuncture books

1. Acupuncture Points Handbook: A Patient's Guide to the Locations and Functions of Over 400 Acupuncture Points

Acupuncture Points Handbook is a guide for all patients to master the locations and functions of acupuncture points. This book explains in plain English how to treat oneself with acupressure effectively.

It gives information about each acupressure point with its unique functions for non-acupuncturists. Acupuncture treats pain, stress, fatigue, emotional disorders, insomnia, digestive problems, and many internal disorders.

2. Ayurvedic Acupuncture Guide Book by Frank Ros

This book reflects years of study, research, and practice on traditional Indian medicine known as Ayurvedic medicine. This medicine has different branches, including Ayurvedic acupuncture.

The book explains and shows the relationship between acupuncture and Ayurveda. It also clarifies different details that can help an acupuncturist to get a different approach and methodology.

It is excellently written with different classifications to help understand Ayurvedic acupuncture with ease.

3. Clinical Acupuncture

Clinical Acupuncture is an elementary book that acts as a guide for the barefoot doctors in the world. It gives a better understanding of clinical acupuncture techniques and serves as a reference for pursuing acupuncture therapy.

It showcases methods of first aid that can be used in treating minor and uncomplicated disorders.

4. Advanced Acupuncture Therapy

Advanced Acupuncture Therapy is a book written by Arjun L. Agrawal and Govind N. Sharma. It contains the latest information and thorough content on advanced acupuncture therapy.

It provides guidelines on how to perform acupuncture and is easy to understand.

5. The Art of Acupuncture Techniques

The Art of Acupuncture Techniques is a book written by Dr. Johns, a licensed Qi Gong instructor by Beijing Peoples’ University. He performs private practice in California.

The book specifies needling techniques as depth, placement and needle type and helps preserve theoretical knowledge.

It has unique historical perspectives and helps in relief from a skin condition, angina, or infertility. It is an overview of acupuncture techniques and shows applications of Chinese medical theory to difficult cases.

It helps in understanding the safety precautions related to point selection, needling technique, and guidelines for practitioners, students and patients.

6. Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture: Principles and Practice 

Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture: Principles and Practice is a user-friendly book written by Robert Johns. It provides a concise overview of the principles of scalp acupuncture of Toshikatsu Yamamoto.

It helps in the treatment of patients with musculoskeletal and neurological pain. Each chapter covers a different aspect of theory and techniques and includes important information on basic points, Ypsilon points and new points.

It has detailed discussions on various techniques that help determine the most effective treatment protocol for each patient.

A chapter on energy and healing explains how this treatment works, and clinical cases show how it can be integrated into daily practice.

It comes with colour-coded laminated chart displays for every YNSA point and helps with clinical settings. It also has 86 illustrations and algorithms that supplement descriptions of points and treatments.

7. The Best of Master Tung's Acupuncture: A Clinical Guide

The Best of Master Tung’s Acupuncture: A Clinical Guide contains intricacies of applying Master Tung Acupuncture in the clinic. It shows how to use this system practically and systematically in English.

This book is written by a practicing acupuncturist who frequently deals with pain, women’s health, and internal medicine problems.

Through this book, he shares his clinical experience and the protocols of daily use with modifications. There are 740 Tung family points of which the author has selected the best ones for easy understanding of only important concepts.

This is useful for beginners to grasp useful concepts immediately and effectively. It has information on points that are painless, easily accessible and have powerful, immediate results.

This book is written by Robert Chu, a Ph.D., L.Ac and QME, who studied Chinese martial and healing arts since childhood.

He gives lectures internationally on Acupuncture and Chinese medicine and is an entertaining speaker and teaching staff.


Preksha is passionate about writing articles that will inspire readers to make better choices. You will find her eating desserts for lunch, dinner and any time of the day. Also, she is the chief playlist engineer for any road trip.

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