How to Stop Refrigerator Water Leak?

One of the most common problems experienced by fridge owners is water leakage. It is quite frustrating to always find water on the floor coming from your refrigerator. Note that this is something that can happen to anyone regardless of the brand of refrigerator you have. 

The good thing is that this problem can be stopped. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the steps you could take to Stop Refrigerator Water Leak. But first, let’s look at the root causes.

What Causes Water Leakage?

To have a better idea of how to solve this problem, it would be wise to understand the cause first. Water leakage could be as a result of several factors.

Refrigerator Door Was Left Open for Too Long

If you leave your refrigerator door open for too long, the air from the surrounding enters the fridge. It is then condensed to water droplets which may start dripping beneath your appliance. 

High Humidity Weather

High humidity weather means there is a lot of water vapor in the surrounding. As such, when it comes into contact with your refrigerator, it is condensed to water droplets. 

Usually, this is nothing to worry about since it is a natural occurrence although it might have an impact on the operation of your refrigerator.

Clogged and Overflowing Defrost Drain Tube

Another cause of water leakage is a clogged drain tube. The clogging is usually due to food particles or any other debris. This leads to a water drip beneath the refrigerator.  As a result, you might experience a water shortage in your dispenser or ice maker. For more information, read how the refrigerator makes ice and how a freezer works

Water Line Leaking

The horse pipe connecting the refrigerator to your home’s water supply could also be the culprit. Sometimes this pipe is faulty hence causing leakage along the waterline. It could be a crack, a loose connection, or a malfunctioning inlet valve. 

How Do You Stop Water Leakage?

Solution 1: Flush the Defrost Drain

The first option is to flush the drain from the inside using warm water. The main aim here is to melt the clog and drain out of the fridge’s supply line. 

If the warm water doesn’t do the trick, then try removing the debris manually. Use a straight and strong object to access the pipe’s interior. Note that the check valve is a common place for these food particles. 

To remove them check the valve, locate the defrost drain hose behind your fridge. This hose has a rubber valve, which should be your main focus in this cleaning process. Use warm water to get rid of any debris then reinstall the valve. 

Check out how to clean and organize your refrigerator. 

Solution 2: Check the Water Supply Line

Another solution that you could employ is to make sure that the water supply line is up and running. First, locate the shut-off valve underneath the sink and close it. Are there any leakages along the line?

If yes, then you might need to replace the nylon pipe supplying the refrigerator with water. Make sure to check the manufacturer’s manual for better results. Sometimes you might experience leakages, yet your supply line looks fine.

Well, try and locate a translucent blockage along the line. If you find one, then that is a build-up of ice. The best way to deal with it is to leave the fridge unplugged for about two hours. If this doesn’t help, then you might need to consult a professional to avoid messing things up.

Solution 3: Drain Pan

Whenever there is water condensation in your refrigerator, this by-product is drained away to a drain pan located at the bottom of the fridge. The heat from the evaporator, fan motor, and condenser causes this water to evaporate. 

However, sometimes there can be an overflow in the drain pan. One of the main causes is a cracked pan which then leads to water leakage. The only lasting solution in this case is to replace the pan with an exact model. 

The condenser fans could also be the problem. The water that evaporates from the drain pan is swept away by the moving fans. Check the manufacturer’s manual for more details on how to maintain these fans as it may defer with the type of fridge

Solution 4: Connection Between Water Filter and Water Supply

A loose connection between the water filter and the fridge’s water supply could be the problem. Sometimes it is due the installation of a wrong-sized filter or a broken connection. 

If this is the case, then it might be time to replace the water filter with one recommended by the manufacturer. The process of replacement is usually included in the user manual or the manufacturer’s website. Remember, this varies with the model you are using; so make sure to employ the correct method.

Solution 5: Water Line to Ice Maker Connection

If your fridge has a built-in ice maker, which is the case with most modern models, then it might be worth looking at. Since the ice maker is connected to the waterline, the connectors may malfunction with time due to wear and tear or cracks. 

You can easily spot this by checking the waterline all the way to the ice maker. If you trace any fault, then it might be time to replace the connectors or repair the water line itself. You can do it yourself, but feel free to hire a technician if it feels too technical for you to handle.


Water leaking out from the fridge can be a very frustrating experience for anyone. It is, however, a problem that you can solve before it advances to the next stage. 

The most common causes are usually something to do with blockage either at the supply or the drainage end. Follow the steps above keenly to solve the problem. If none of the works, don’t hesitate to call a professional as soon as possible. 

Dolly Savla

Dolly is a part of the content creation team at Her strength lies in creating content about sports, fitness and lifestyle. Creating art, drinking coffee and reading books, makes her happy when not working with reviews.

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