Nespresso Latissima One Single Serve Coffee Machine (0132193272) Review


Nespresso coffee machines have redefined the way coffees are made at home. The easy to use machine enables the users to enjoy the restaurant-like Cappuccino and Latte Macchiato in their pajamas at home. Equipped with a unique and state-of-art fresh milk system, the machine has simplified the entire procedure of making coffee and even milk drinks.

It is also easy to clean as its manufacturer has made the milk jar dishwasher safe. With many great features, it is imperative to look at the features that make it the most suitable coffee machine for homes.



Nespresso Latissima is a compact size coffee maker. It takes less space on the countertop.

Removable Milk Container

The machine comes with a removable milk container. You can detach the jar and clean it in the dishwasher.

Removable Water Tank

The water tank of the machine can also be removed and cleaned thoroughly after use.

Fast Heat Up

The machine heats up quite quickly for instant coffee. Within 30 seconds of pressing the coffee button, you can expect the machine to brew coffee.

Automatic off mode

If not in use for nine minutes, the machine turns off automatically.

19-Bar Pressure

The coffee machines suitable for home kitchen usually comes with 15 bar pressure. The bar is the unit of atmospheric pressure, and one bar pressure equals to the amount of natural pressure at sea level. A restaurant-like coffee requires brewing at a high bar pressure.

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What Do We like

Minimalist Coffee Machine

The machine is small in size and takes a little space in the kitchen. It weighs 4.2 kg and easy to move.

Dishwasher Safe

The milk jar is dishwasher safe. After use, the user can put the jar in the dishwasher for cleaning and forget about it.

Descaling Alarm

The descaling alarm indicator reminds the user of the need to descale the machine for its proper functioning.

The convenience of the auto turn off button

Morning can be hectic for some, and it is quite common for people to leave for work without turning off their coffee machine. The automatic turn off system brings great relief to the Nespresso Latissima users.

What We Don’t Like

Limited Usage

The machine can make one cup of coffee at a time. If you have guests at home, you will have to make coffee separately for everyone, and this can be tedious as well as annoying.

Frequent Cleaning

Although the milk jar is dishwasher safe, it requires cleaning after each use. Since the machine makes one cup of coffee, the need to clean it after each use can be disabling for the user.


Nespresso Latissima is easy to use and a compact coffee machine that takes less space in the kitchen, creating fantastic brewing experience. Having it in your house is a plus point if you are comfortable with its limited usage and frequent cleaning requirement. The machine is perfect for a busy home as it has certain automatic features such as auto turn off and descaling alarm.

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Preksha is passionate about writing articles that will inspire readers to make better choices. You will find her eating desserts for lunch, dinner and any time of the day. Also, she is the chief playlist engineer for any road trip.

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