DeLonghi America EC680B Dedica Espresso Machine Review

Delonghi produces quality cooking appliances like Multicooker, Air fryers, Deep fryers, indoor grills, and more for its customers. These appliances ensure its customers acquire optimal satisfaction whenever it is used. The design of the coffee machine is sleek and has a cappuccino frothing system to provide barista-quality foam. This machine has a Thermo block technology that allows the machine to heat up to an ideal temperature in quick seconds.



The design of this coffee machine is great. It is sleek and only takes up to six inches of counter space. This coffee machine comes with black color and a flat base. It is made of stainless steel material and has a durable handle. The machine also adds beauty to where it’s placed.

Thermo block technology

This Thermo block technology allows the machine to heat up to the ideal temperature in a few seconds. It heats only the amount of water you require. This feature ensures you have the desired amount of coffee for optimal satisfaction.

Flow-stop technology

This feature automatically delivers two shots of espresso at 15 bar pressure. The rate at which it dispenses its espresso is higher than similar machines.

Cappuccino frothing system

Cappuccino frothing system provides quality foam and ensures you get the satisfaction you need.

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What Do We like

Easy to use

One of the main importance of the feature is that it’s easy to use. This coffee machine is highly convenient and it comes with a nice design. The device is ready to use at any moment. It has a ready to use control panel which makes the machine operate at high efficiency.


This coffee machine is durable, it also produces high-quality coffee. It feels solid and well-built.


The machine is easy to clean and maintain. It produces excellent foam and doesn’t cause so many stains whenever it’s used.


The quality of this coffee maker is great. The work rate is impressive and fast. It produces fresh and delicious coffee every time it’s used.

What We Don’t Like

No negative points were observed.


This machine works amazingly well and produces the best coffee. The temperature rating is awesome for brewing espresso every time. It doesn’t have an issue if the instructions are followed carefully. The machine comes with a warming tray that keeps your coffee warm at all times. It makes a great addition to any home with its sleek and space-saving design.

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Preksha is passionate about writing articles that will inspire readers to make better choices. You will find her eating desserts for lunch, dinner and any time of the day. Also, she is the chief playlist engineer for any road trip.

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