Ways to Keep Your Refrigerator Running Efficiently

Your refrigerator is constantly running to keep your food fresh and safe from bacteria. However, after several months and years of operation, it might suffer from wear and tear. As such, you might experience some inefficiency.

Fortunately, there are several ways to increase the efficiency of your refrigerator. In this article, we have compiled a list of several ways to keep your fridge working at its optimum level. Let’s get started!

Keep It Away from Other Appliances

One thing that usually impacts the operation of your fridge is the heat around it. It is recommended that you separate all appliances in your kitchen. The heat from your oven, dishwasher, and stove will increase the temperatures in the surroundings. 

Consequently, the fridge will have to overwork for it to offset the temperature changes. As you’d expect, it will wear off quicker than expected, and that’s something you would want to avoid. Therefore, make sure there is enough space between your appliances. 

Clean the Gasket Frequently 

The rubber sealing on the fridge’s door helps keep away the surrounding air. In case this air gets into your fridge, it will cause a build-up of ice. In turn, this will also affect the performance of your appliance. 

If you don’t usually pay attention to this area of your fridge, then start today. Make sure to inspect it regularly for any notable wear and tear. Also, make sure to clean your refrigerator to increase its durability. 

In the same breath, minimise the amount of time the fridge door is open. Some people have a habit of “grazing” around the refrigerator. Such an act allows more warm air to get into the fridge while the cold air escapes to the surrounding environment. 

Expectedly, the refrigerator will have to work harder than usually to keep your food cold. 

Don’t Put Hot Food in the Fridge

Another disservice you could do to your fridge is feeding it with hot food. Doing so increases the internal temperatures – the opposite of what your fridge is meant to do. 

As such, the compressor will work a lot harder to offset the changes and maintain a cold environment. Like any other electrical or mechanical machine, the more it works, the more its lifespan reduces. 

For instance, if its operation is doubled, then the lifespan of each component could be halved. 

Don’t Set the Temperatures Too Low

One common mistake many people make is setting the temperature too low. Since it will make the food colder, it has severe repercussions on your wallet. 

First, you will overwork your fridge, which means there are higher chances of frequent repairs. Besides, your fridge working overtime will mean an increase in your energy bills per month or year. Check out the best energy-efficient refrigerators.


Your fridge is an essential part of your kitchen. As such, taking care of it should always be your priority. As you might have noticed, most of the ways mentioned above have to do with how you handle the fridge. 

Changing certain habits – like eating around the appliance while the door is open – will help a lot. Also, make sure not to mess up with the internal temperature of the fridge; otherwise, the performance might be affected. 

Dolly Savla

Dolly is a part of the content creation team at reviews.in. Her strength lies in creating content about sports, fitness and lifestyle. Creating art, drinking coffee and reading books, makes her happy when not working with reviews.

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