Philips BT1212/15 rechargeable Beard Trimmer Review

Philips manufacture appliances for meeting customers need. It is one of the most reputable brands in the world. This device can last up to 30 minutes and comes with an eight-hour charging. It has a USB charging for convenient use. The device is long-lasting and has a two-year warranty on the product. It comes with skin-friendly blades that have a rounded tip to prevent irritation. The head of the device can be detached for proper cleaning.


USB charging

This beard trimmer comes with a USB charging cable for more flexible charging. You can charge this trimmer via your computer or any USB adaptor.

30 minutes cordless use

This device comes with a 30 minutes cordless use. You charge this device for up to 8 hours with a USB cable.

Stainless steel blades

It comes with a stainless steel blade. This blade gives you a perfect trim, time after time. The blades brush against each other when it is in use, thereby sharpening themselves as they trim so they stay extra sharp and effective at all times.

Battery charging indicator

This trimmer comes with a battery charging indicator. It displays a green light to show that your device is charging.

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What Do We like

Built to last

This device was built to last. It has a two-year guarantee and maintenance instruction for long-lasting use. The device is also compatible with all worldwide voltages.

Easy to clean

The device is easy to clean and it requires regular cleaning to function well. Debris could get stuck in the device and affects its performance. It is also important to take off the attachment and clean the area around it. It delivers the best shave when it is cleaned properly.

Long-lasting performance

It has a dura power technology that optimizes the power consumption to ensure that the trimmer lasts four times longer as compared to ordinary ones.

Skin-friendly performance

The blades of this trimmer are extra sharp to always cut hairs efficiently. They also come with rounded tips for smooth contact with skin to prevent irritation and scratching.

What We Don’t Like


Blades are way too sharp and can lead to bleeding.


This device is powerful, sharp and precise whenever it is in use. It is sturdy with an ergonomic shape. The device is also easy to use and clean. It comes with a unique features such as the USB charging for convenient trimming.

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Preksha is passionate about writing articles that will inspire readers to make better choices. You will find her eating desserts for lunch, dinner and any time of the day. Also, she is the chief playlist engineer for any road trip.

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