WOW Aloe Vera Gel Reviews

WOW Skin Science manufactures a wide range of face, body and hair care products that suit every budget and women.  The brand is well known for its products made from naturally derived ingredients.

One of those products is the WOW aloe vera gel. We have written a detailed review about this product along with how to use it. Read further to know more about the WOW aloe vera gel.

How to use

1. Moisturizer

Apply on skin for instant moisturization and nourishment.

2.  Natural scrub

Mix 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel with 1 tablespoon of sugar to create a homemade natural scrub.

3. Sunburn soother

Apply this gel directly on sunburn to soothe and calm it.

4. Anti Aging protector

Massage the gel on your face, hand and legs and let it dry overnight.

It will act as an anti aging protector

5. Heel saver

Massage on dry and chapped heels.

Wear cotton socks and leave it overnight for soft heels.

6. Skin smoother

Apply on rough areas of the skin to heal it.

7. Hair and scalp nourisher

Massage the gel liberally on the scalp and leave overnight.

Wash the hair with shampoo

8. Hair softener

Massage on scalp and hair and leave overnight.

Shampoo the hair in morning

9. Aftershave gel

Apply on clean shaven skin as an aftershave gel.


Pure aloe vera gel

The gel is 99% pure and is hygienically extracted from ripe, robust & succulent aloe vera leaves and carefully packed. Hence it retains its natural healing & rejuvenating benefits.


The gel has multiple benefits like moisturizer, scrub, sunburn soother, leave-in conditioner, heel repairer, etc. as mentioned above.

Moisturizes skin

Filled with natural healing and rejuvenating goodness of aloe vera, this gel moisturizes skin and prevents dryness. Xanthan Gum, a plant-based thickener, has polysaccharides that condition the skin and help boost its moisture.

Anti aging action

It boosts collagen level which is a powerful anti aging ingredient thus stopping skin aging.

Benefits the hair

It provides a complete care to the hair by reducing dryness, dandruff & itchy scalp and gives soft hair. The gel also treats bacteria and fungal infections.

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What Do We like

Removes tan

The gel has citric acid that fades pigmentation and removes tan.

Boosts immunity

It helps boost the immune system that heals wounds faster.

Soothes inflammation

It keeps the pores tight and reduces acne and inflammation. It also neutralizes the infection-causing germs.

No harmful chemicals

The gel is completely free from mineral oils, parabens, sulfates, silicones, colour or artificial preservatives.

Unique design

The aloe vera gel is packed in a bottle that is designed in the shape of aloe vera leaf. It has a flip cap that helps you to withdraw only the required amount of gel, thus preventing over usage.

What We Don’t Like

Not ideal for very sensitive skin as it can develop redness.


The WOW aloe vera gel is packed with all the essential benefits that you need to protect your skin and hair from any problems. Right from keeping your hair soft and healthy to protecting your skin from irritations, this aloe vera gel does everything.

The gel has no smell or fragrance and is made from pure aloe extract. This gel can be used by men for setting their hair or as an aftershave gel. Women can use it as a primer or as moisturizer since it is non sticky and non greasy. Hence, we strongly recommend this product at the price it is being offered and the benefits it gives.

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Shruti Satam

Shruti loves creating and writing content on beauty and personal care. She helps beauty enthusiasts make the right decision through her articles. When not working, you will find her cooking sumptuous dishes and experimenting with makeup.

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