Celestron 71422 Cavalry Binocular Review

When we buy any kinds of products, we want to make sure that it will last because we want to make the most out of our hard-earned money. The same thing goes with binoculars, they are mostly pricey that’s why we do not want to encounter any defects or slightest issues at all. So the thing is when buying a binocular we must consider several factors that are crucial in order for us to meet our expectations.

With regards to that Celestron 71422 Cavalry 7×50 GPS Binocular might be a good run for your money. It has lots of features and nice benefits that you can enjoy. So if you are considering buying your own personal binocular then this could be a good choice.



There is a reticle that is integrated into this binocular so that you can calculate the size of the objects and their distance.

Waterproof & Fogproof

This binocular is tremendously sealed and purged with nitrogen so that moisture and water will not intrude on its inside components.

Fully Multi-Coated Optics

This feature improves the light transmission on the lens to provide you with much clearer images every time you peek at the binoculars.

BaK-4 Prisms

It heightens contrast and resolution to give you sharper images.

Tripod Capable

This allows you to mount a tripod on your binocular so that you can view images much better and in a hassle-free way.

Extremely Wide Field of View

With this attribute, you can easily see the subject that you are viewing even if they are moving.

GPS Integrated LCD

It allows you to see your current coordinates, compass direction, and elevation.

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What Do We like

Hassle-Free Maintenance

No need to worry anymore because you are not required to perform any preventive maintenance on it aside from cleaning.

High-Grade Optics

The optics that it has are truly made of premium materials that guarantee a long life and superb viewing experience.

Hassle-Free Cleaning

Cleaning this binocular is superbly easy because you just need to wipe it off with a cloth when it is dirty.

Outstanding Design

Aside from having a beautiful exterior, it is also portable and user-friendly that is why you will surely love it.

What We Don’t Like


The Binocular can be heavy if you use it for long hours.


Now we have finished tackling about this wonderful binocular, you now know that you will get great features such as Reticle, Fully Multi-Coated Optics, BaK-4 Prisms, GPS Integrated LCD, Waterproofing, and many more. Those features will truly enhance your viewing experience and will make you enjoy the usage of this binocular more.

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Preksha is passionate about writing articles that will inspire readers to make better choices. You will find her eating desserts for lunch, dinner and any time of the day. Also, she is the chief playlist engineer for any road trip.

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