How to increase air cooler performance

Summer is always a great time to spend holiday vacations. However, the rising temperature makes us think otherwise. For some, it gives discomfort and uneasiness even if they just stay at home. 

This is why many resort to using air coolers. Not only it battles the heat, but because it is also eco-friendly, affordable, and low-maintenance compared to air conditioners. Air coolers offer a lot of benefits.

But, the challenge here is how you maximize the use of these air coolers.

The following tips are some of the things you’ll need to know and follow to increase air cooler performance.

Tips and Tricks to increase air cooler performance

There are several ways on how to ensure the great efficiency of your personal air cooler.

Ensure there is proper air circulation in the room.

Air coolers, unlike air conditioners, require appropriate airflow in the room where it is installed. While air conditioners work best in a closed and sealed environment, constant ventilation, on the other hand, is essential for your air cooler to cool efficiently and effectively. 

Humidity must not be accumulated in the room to prevent moisture from forming potential mould growth that could ruin wooden furniture. Doors and windows should be kept open especially on the cooler side of the room and shut on the hotter side to ensure the efficiency of the cooling system.

Explore good positioning.

Air cooler sizes are devised to cool a smaller room at a time. Choose a size that is appropriate or recommended for your intended space to ensure that it is maximized.

However, there is also a good trick on maximizing the efficiency of your air cooler that you may want to try. Look for a good position where you’ll place your cooling system. 

You may want to place it in front of a window where cool air gets in while it is directed to a spot in your living area, dining area or any spot in the house where you’ll greatly benefit from it. You can also move it from time to time to find the optimal spot in your home.

Soak the cooling pads prior to use.

Before use, fill the tank with water by letting the pump run to enable the cooling pads to be soaked with water. Let the cooling pads absorb the water for about 15 minutes. Do not turn on yet the fan until the water reservoir is full.

Through this, the cooler will produce cooler air as soon as you turn it on without wasting energy puffing hot air before the cooler reaches its maximum cooling extent.

Use cold or room temperature water to fill the tank.

Studies show that cool to room temperature water works more efficiently in air coolers while efficiency and effectiveness is reduced as the water gets warmer.

Although you can just fill the tank with the cold water that you can get in your kitchen sink, you may add ice to the water to improve its cooling effectiveness and efficiency. Some coolers come with ice compartments for this purpose.

However, adding ice is neither a guarantee to reduce the temperature immensely nor its humidity. Also, adding too much of it may slow down the evaporation process. Thus, it is very important to know when and how much ice to put in the cooler.

Always keep it in good working condition.

It is already given that like any other machine, air coolers last long and works efficiently if it is maintained and checked properly and regularly. It is highly encouraged that you always examine it before, during, and after its use to ensure that it is working properly. 

Some of the points you need to consider while doing this are the following.

Check the cooling pads.

Before using, make sure that the cooling pads are clean. Check for accrued dust to prevent it from being clogged and get rid of the formation of minerals in the water since this will slow down the efficiency of the cooler.

Assess whether it is still good to use, if not, better change the pads. Regular examination of the efficiency of the cooler will help you decide on when is the right time to change it.

Maintain the reservoir.

Do regular checks on the tanks and repair them immediately if you found leaks. Also, drain the tank regularly and make sure to make it clean to ensure that the water stored in it is clean as well. A clean tank holds up the right amount of water, making it flow smoothly.

Scrape mineral deposit builds up.

Over time, some mineral deposits known as scale will be formed on your air cooler that can negatively impact its efficiency. Avoid this by slowly scraping or brushing the scale carefully, not to disrupt the water system.

Inspect worn parts that need to be repaired.

Run quick examination for worn parts such as switches, wiring, or belts that need to be repaired or changed. You can seek professional help to do this for you if the issue is complicated.

Handle with utmost care.

If you want to enjoy the benefits of your air cooler, it is advisable to take good care of it for it to last long. Simple things can be done such as making sure the cooler is placed on an even and flat surfaces, avoid heaving it while they’re still on and avoid restraining the fan blades, which can be very harmful and may cause damage to your cooler.

After use, store it in a cool, dry place, away from exposure to dust and pollen.

Other things to be considered.

Aside from the tips and tricks mentioned above, there are other things that can be done to maximize the use of your cooler, such as turning off the lights or switching off appliances in the room where the cooler is placed to keep the heat out.

Shutting the drapes in your room to prevent heat from the outside from entering the room is also a good idea.


These tips and tricks are just some of the basic and common things that can be done to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the cooler. There are a lot more, depending on various factors. Different brands may have their corresponding tips and steps on how to increase their air cooler’s performance. 


Preksha is passionate about writing articles that will inspire readers to make better choices. You will find her eating desserts for lunch, dinner and any time of the day. Also, she is the chief playlist engineer for any road trip.

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